Brigg Farvel


Build year
Customs register date
June 16, 1888


Gross tonnage:
Net tonnage:



  • Historikk:

    1853/1854 - Bygget i av tre i Kristiansand

    1854 til 1888 - Kristiansand
    1888 til 1892 - Lillesand

    1854 - D. Hegermanns enke, Kristiansand
    1864 - G. Langfeldt, Kristiansand
    1888 til 1892 - A. Tønnesen

    1864 - Chr. Aanonsen
    O. Johnsen
    1888 - Tellefsen

    1894 - Lekk og forlatt i Nordsjøen med en last kull

    "Gabriel Langfeldt (1820-1888) og briggen "Farvel"

    Briggen ”Farvel”  

    I 1857 kjøpte Gabriel Langfeldt (1820-1888) briggen ”Farvel” av skipsreder, kjøpmann og konsul Otto Carl Heinrich Reinhardt i Christianssand.  Konsulen hadde fått bygd ”Farvel” i Christianssand i 1854.  Den var på  ca. 137 nto.reg.tonn, 70 fot lang, 21 fot bred, 12 fot dyp, var bygd i furu og hadde kallesignal JCVP.  Den ble kalt for ”kutterbriggeren” og var i sin tid et av Christianssands mest kjente seilfartøy. 

     Mange sjømenn hadde sin første utdannelse på ”Farvel”.   Selv om den var registrert i Christianssand og Gabriel bodde der, var det alltid mange av mannskapet som var fra Ny-Hellesund.  Kristian Fredriksen Langfeldt – tippoldebarn til Ole Nicolaisen Langefeldt som var bror til Gabriels farfar – var 14 år gammel da han var førstereisgutt på ”Farvel”  høsten 1867. 

    Gabriel, som var eneeier av ”Farvel”, seilte den for det meste selv med trelast for egen regning på Frankrike.  En tid var bror til  Kristian – Nicolay Fredriksen Langfeldt – styrmann på ”Farvel”.   Ole Jansen fra Romsvigen i Søgne var imidlertid den som hadde den lengste perioden som styrmann.   På ”vårreisen” og på ”høstreisen”  var han også skipper på ”Farvel” i en del år.  Gabriel var selv gjerne skipper på sommerreisene.  Om vinteren lå ”Farvel” i opplag ved Lagmannsholmen i Christianssand.

        I hele 30 år eide og seilte Gabriel ”Farvel”. 

    Etter hans død 1. april 1888 ble briggen “Farvel” solgt til Andreas Lacinus Tønnesen, svigersønnen Thorvald Otto Tellefsen og A.Y. Tønnesen – alle på Åkerøya i Høvåg. 

    Thorvald Otto Tellefesen var også skipper på “Farvel”.  I et hefte om sitt liv skrev han om om kjøpet av ”Farvel”og om forliset.   Torvald emigrerte og skrev på engelsk slik at hans etterkommere skulle ha glede av det han skrev:

    “I got a post as 1st mate on the brigg ”Emanuel” in 1886 and 1887.  I sailed as mate with my father on the brigg ”Haabet” and held school in the winter.

    In 1888 we bought the brig ”Farwel” of 134 ton.  That same summer the brig ”Haabet” went down with its new owner and men and mouse, on its way to Holland in a hurricane in the North Sea.

    I sailed with ”Farwel” every summer till 1894.  On our last trip we had a load of coal for Denmark, and after two days sailing through a bad storm from N.W. the ship started to leak more than usual. The pumps could not keep up with the water coming in.  At 8 o’clock we had 3 feet of water in the hull, and by 12 noon, it was 5 feet.  The waves came over the side, knocked our steering wheel out of commission, and no land in site.  The ship started to take a list and we could not hold her to the wind.  I gave orders to abandon ship.  After the waves had forced the lifeboat out of our control three times, we succeeded to launch it, and get away from the sinking ship which was threatening to smash our small boat.  But storm arms at the oars and knowing how to maneuver in an emergency, we were able to draw away before the ship went down.

    We were very thankful to have been able to save our lives, and I am sure every man on board sent a silent prayer in thanksgiving.  And here we were, there had been no time to take anything with us.  All our clothing except what we had on, went down with the ship, and with no insurance on the coal and ship, it was a heavy loss.  It was hard to bear, and still we were out in a small boat in the middle of a bad storm with no instruments and no stars.  But when the danger is greatest, the help is always nearest.

    Just when we saw the lantern from a ship on our starboard bow, we let our torches, but the ship did not see us.  It was as if our last hope had sunk to the bottom.  With the wind increasing in strength, the boat took in water faster than we were able to bale it out, but fortunately it started to get light and we were able to see the waves approaching us, so we were able to maneuver the boat to miss the oncoming waves.  Suddenly the men in the bow called out ”A sailor in lee”, and again we tried to signal the ship.  They did not see us before we were so close that they heard our call for help.  The ship was drifting with bare rigging and had a hard time to maneuver.  At last we were able to come along on her lee side and whenever a wave lifted us up to the height of the railing, the crew grabbed one of our men, one at a time, until all of us were safe on board.

    One year later this ship which saved us and its name was ”Nordstjernen” from Helsingborg, Sweden, went down with man and mouse.  The same lifeboat that we were saved in, drifted ashore on the Swedish coast.

    After ”Nordstjernen” had picked us up, the weather improved and after five days, we arrived in West Hartlepool, England were we telegraphed home and advised that every one was saved, and the ship was lost.”

    Skrevet 30. desember 2005 av Jan G. Langfeldt som er oldebarn til Gabriel Langfeldt (1820-1888).

    Birger Bøksle som er barnebarn til Thorvald Otto Tellefesen, har bidratt med tilgang til heftet om sin farfars 

    livshistorie.  Bildet av briggen ”Farvel” er fra et foto av et maleri av "Farvel" i Odd Knudsens samlinger.

    Det har ikke lykkes å finne ut om dette maleriet fortsatt eksisterer.  Det har blant vært etterlyst i Lillesandsposten 8. juni 2001 uten resultat.  Under ettersøkingen har det imidlertid blitt funnet flere andre malerier av briggen ”Farvel”.  Arne Ingvard Langfeldt  (1923- ) har laget en modell av briggen ”Farvel” for Jan G. Langfeldt.