We have so far registered 86,585 seafarers

NameBornPlace of birth (place of living shown if missing)
O. A. TilanderLived in Ukjent
Gustav L. TillmannLived in Trondheim
Torleif TjostolfsenSeptember 7, 1900Born in Dybvåg
Edvard TobiasenLived in Mandal
Anton TobiassenLived in Trondheim
Thomas Kristian TobiassenNovember 2, 1876Born in Aalebek, Vestre Moland.
K. ToftelandLived in Bergen
Hans Kristian TollefsenLived in Tromsø
Robert TollefsenLived in Oslo
Ah TongLived in Kina
Olaf TorbergsenLived in Lødingen
Olaf TorkildsenLived in Kristiansand
Enrique TorrogrosaLived in Allicante, Spania
Trygve TorstensenLived in Sandnes
Ryoichi Tsuda
Julius TunlikLived in Riga, Latvia
A. TvedtLived in Bergen
Anton TvedtLived in Manger
Samuel TønnessenNovember 16, 1887Born in Vanse, Farsund
Karl UhlmanLived in Livland, Littauen
Harald J. M. UndhjemOctober 23, 1891Lived in Trondhjem
Frithjof Hansson UpåkraLived in Sverige
Andreas ValbergLived in Hattfjelldal
Manull VaqueLived in Spania
Jens VedøeLived in Bergen