We have so far registered 86,585 seafarers

NameBornPlace of birth (place of living shown if missing)
Nils OlsenDecember 12, 1869Born in Dypvaag (Flosta)
NIls Axel OlsenLived in Danmark
Nils Johan OlsenSeptember 21, 1856Born in Dypvåg
Olaf Olsen
Ole Kristian OlsenMay 13, 1894Lived in Åkerøya
Oluf OlsenLived in Oslo
Oluf M. OlsenLived in Drammen
Oscar OlsenSeptember 3, 1896Lived in Arendal
Oscar OlsenLived in Drammen
Otto Laurensius OlsenLived in Tjøme
Otto Moe OlsenLived in Porsgrunn
Paul OlsenLived in Kristiansand
Thomas OlsenLived in Brevik
Trygve OlsenLived in Oslo
F. G. OlsonLived in Sverige
Ernst OlssonLived in Stockholm, Sverige
Karl OlssonLived in Sverige
Johan OlufsenLived in Hadsel
Ah OnLived in Kina
Karl Fredrik OpperudJuly 17, 1901Lived in Skoger
Ludvig OttemLived in Trondheim
Bernt Johan OvesenLived in Trondheim
P. PaaskeLived in Bergen
J. PachecoLived in Valparaiso, Chile
Salvador PaletLived in Barcelona, Spania