We have so far registered 86,585 seafarers

NameBornPlace of birth (place of living shown if missing)
Lars Martin LarsenLived in Sandefjord
Ludvig LarsenLived in Tønsberg
Martinius LarsenLived in Tromsø
Olaf LarsenOctober 27, 1884Lived in Oslo
Oluf LarsenLived in Danmark
Randulf Larsen1898Lived in Bergen
Reidar LarsenLived in Oslo
R. K. LarsenLived in Granby
Thorbjørn LarsenLived in Oslo
Gustav LarsonLived in Gøteborg, Sverige
Gustav LarsonLived in Sverige
Karl LathinenLived in Finland
G. LehnbergLived in Gøteborg, Sverige
Carl LekanderLived in Sverige
Ma LeonghLived in Kina
Halfdan LerøLived in Bergen
Hjalmar LethonenLived in Finland
Harald LieLived in Porsgrunn
Jonas LieNovember 25, 1895Born in Risør
John LienLived in Bergen
Eugen LindbergLived in Oslo
Gunnar LindbergJanuary 18, 1894Lived in Dalsbak
Erling J. LindboeLived in Trondheim
Josef LindellLived in Blekinge, Sverige
Sigurd LindeLived in Bergen