We have so far registered 86,585 seafarers

NameBornPlace of birth (place of living shown if missing)
Hilmar S. Gulliksen1856Lived in Oslo
Lars GulliksenLived in Tønsberg
Sigurd GundersenLived in Molde
Svein Anton GundersenLived in Larvik
Thorvald Gundersen1897Lived in Banegt 2 Mandal
Anton GuneriussenLived in Jarlsberg
Gustav GunnarsonLived in Norge
Gunnar GustavsenLived in Vennesla
Carl GustavsonJanuary 25, 1876Lived in Gøteborg, Sverige
Sven Gustavson
Jørgen Tobinius GuttormsenFebruary 27, 1898Born in Fjære
Leif GuttormsenLived in Odda
Fr. GyldenbergLived in Finland
Manfred HaagensenJanuary 1, 1896Born in Lillesand
Ariel Severin HagaLived in Haugesund
Hans A. HagenLived in Fredrikstad
Alfred HagerupLived in Bergen
Ivar HagkvistLived in Stockholm Sverige
Amund Hagshelle1895Lived in ukjent
Andreas HaldorsenLived in Bergen
Edvin HallbergLived in Sverige
Anders Halvorsen February 9, 1877Born in Dypvåg (Flosta)
Arne Halvorsen1902Lived in Skien
Martin HalvorsenLived in Bergen
Olaf Halvorsen1885Lived in Bergen