We have so far registered 86,547 seafarers

NameBornPlace of birth (place of living shown if missing)
Harry Waldemar WaageLived in Porsgrunn
Kristoffer J. WaageLived in Bergen
Gustav WahlbergLived in Gotland, Sverige
P. WahlqvistLived in Oslo
Olivia WassengLived in Bergen
Andreas WeikApril 11, 1876Lived in Revelstrasse 44, Pärnu
R. WerkmannLived in Nederland
Sigurd WettenLived in Oslo
Joh. WickmannLived in Helsingfors
K. A. WickstrømLived in Finland
Adolf WikbergLived in Stockholm, Sverige
Alf Witzoe1899Lived in Kristiansund
Emil Joachim Halfdan WoldsethLived in Bergen
William WoodLived in Malta
August WorrenLived in Horten
Henri de WriesLived in Amsterdam, Nederland
P. WulffLived in Oslo
Adolf Severin WærnesApril 1, 1901Lived in Verdal