We have so far registered 86,585 seafarers

NameBornPlace of birth (place of living shown if missing)
William C. MorrisJune 11, 1911Born in Crewe
William F. MorrisOctober 7, 1919Born in Manchester
Gordon MorrodSeptember 15, 1925Born in Hull
John MorrowMay 6, 1925Lived in 32, Neyplle St. Felling on Tyne.
Robert MorrowJuly 27, 1924
William MorrowAugust 19, 1928
George MorsFebruary 27, 1925Born in Liverpool
J. MortimerDecember 23, 1907Born in Bradford
Leslie MortimerJuly 10, 1925Born in York, Uk.
Thomas MortimerJuly 7, 1924Born in Long Reach
William Down MortimerNovember 10, 1921Born in Premnay
Arthur MortonMay 13, 1918Born in Hull
Henry William MortonOctober 10, 1915Born in Oldham
J.C. MortonDecember 29, 1923Born in Bolton
John F. MortonJanuary 6, 1926Born in London
John J.I.G. MortonOctober 29, 1924Born in Morpeth
Leonard MortonJanuary 26, 1924Born in Bristol
Arthur John Morton (Moreton)June 21, 1921Born in Nottingham
Oliver MortonDecember 24, 1922Born in Glasgow
Stanley MortonJuly 2, 1915Born in Newcastle
Frank MoseleyFebruary 11, 1905Born in Launceston
David MosesJuly 1, 1912Born in Aberdare, Wales
Leslie MosesJune 12, 1925Lived in 18, Penn Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England
Thomas MosesNovember 1, 1924Born in Abertrdu.
William Wesley MosherApril 5, 1926Born in Halifax