Olai Einarsen Hillersøy

The information on registered seafarers is not in all cases complete. As new sources are studied, information on engagements and medals etc. will be added to some of the already registered seafarers.

Date of birth

March 3, 1915


Einar Hillersøy, Askvold, Sogn og Fjordene




Norway flaggNorway



Place of living



Sogn og Fjordane


U. d. m. (Utskrevet dekksmann)


  • Participant in WW2
  • Shetlandsgjengen. Heltene i Nordsjøen, s. 399:
    Innlemmet i Shetlandsgjengen: 15.11.1941, nr. c060.
    Antall turer: sesong 1941-42=3, sesong 1942-43=6, sesong 1943-44=11, sesong 1944-45=17.
    Overført annen virksomhet: 7.12.1945.

    Sjøforsvarets londonarkiv:

    Antatt i Marinen: 1. november 1941, som: U.D.M.

    Sivil stilling:  Fisker

    Sivil utdannelse:  Kystskipperskolen

    Sertifikater:  Kystskippersertifikat II kl

    Tidligere militærtjeneste:  Marinen 1935-36 6 mndr, Nøytralitetsvakt 3 mndr

    Beskikket eller vervet fra:  spesiell tjeneste kapt. Linge 15.11.41.

    The National Archives, Kew, HS 9/711/1 (Report dated January 1946):

    "Q/M HILLESOY has proved himself to be not only a gifted seaman, but a most level-headed and valuable influence at a secret SHETLAND Base at times when operational losses or other misfortunes threatened the morale of the crews. He first made his mark as skipper of one of the fishing boats in which capacity he completed eleven operations in enemy controlled waters.

    With the advent of the three U.S. Subchasers in 1943 he accepted the post of coxswain of S.C. HESSA and has held this position throughout two winter seasons, completing twenty-eight operations. HESSA has been the least fortunate of the three Subchasers since early in the recent season she was severely damaged by depth charges dropped in error by friendly aircraft, which necessitated her spending a large part of the season in dockyards on the mainland. In the end she was able to carry out nineteen operations.

    In spite of these misfortunes and a change of command in the ship the morale and state of discipline of her crew remained unusually high, and she was able to take an equal part with the other ships at the end of the season. Q/M HILLESOY's character and capacity for leadership materially contributed to this result."


    «Shetlandsgjengen. Heltene i Nordsjøen», Asgeir Ueland, 2017.

    "Krigskorset og St. Olavsmedaljen med ekegren", redigert av Erik Gjems-Onstad, Oslo 1995, s. 201.

    "Den høyeste heder", Johan Waage, 1967, Oslo, s. 216.

    Bergens Tidende og Firda (4. juli 1945).

    Sjøforsvarets londonarkiv ved Marinemuseet i Horten: P.12. kort 157-158.

    The National Archives, Kew, HS 9/711/1

    "Seedie's Roll of Naval Honours & Awards 1939-1959", Seedie, 1989
