Olaf Kristian Svendsen

The information on registered seafarers is not in all cases complete. As new sources are studied, information on engagements and medals etc. will be added to some of the already registered seafarers.

Date of birth

September 16, 1918

Date of death

October 18, 1944Årsak: War accident


Hanna S. Karlsen




Norway flaggNorway



Place of living

Elgesem, Sandefjord




  • Participant in WW2
  • Londonregisteret:

    Registernummer under krigen: London 26250, NY 23420.

    I Londonkort står det: "Avm. Nordal tapt 24/6-42". Det er uklart om dette skal tolkes som at han var ombord ved krigsforlis. Det er ikke mulig å avklare tidsperiode han var mønstret på dette skipet.

    Ifølge uboat.net var han med på forliset av "Nordal".

    Privat arkiv:

    "[Svendsen] sailed in [...] Allied Atlantic convoys after Norway was invaded in April 1940. [He then went] into [the] Army in May 1943.

    Private Olaf K Swenson [...] of New York City, served in Company A, 99th infantry Battalion as a rifleman. The Battalion was attached to the 30th Division during the encirclement of Aachen in October 1944, while the 30th and 1st Divisions closed the gap around the German defenders of Aachen.

    On October 18, the second of A Company’s ten days of continuous combat in the town of Wureslen, Olaf was killed by shell fragments and ten of his comrades were wounded."

    For sin tjeneste i den amerikanske hæren, ble Svendsen tildelt Purple Heart og Combat Infantry Badge.



    Privat arkiv avgitt til Stiftelsen Arkivet (99th Infantry Battalion Foundation)

    99th Infantry Battalion Foundation: http://www.99battalion.org/index_files/honor.htm

    Geni: https://www.geni.com/people/Olaf-Swendsen/6000000021317414937
