Jon Veiberg

The information on registered seafarers is not in all cases complete. As new sources are studied, information on engagements and medals etc. will be added to some of the already registered seafarers.

Date of birth

May 31, 1919

Date of death

January 12, 2007


Karl og Nora Engelsen

Nick name





Norway flaggNorway



Place of living

Krenkjesflot, Odda




1. TelegrafistMessegutt / Jungmann

Has sailed for shipping company




  • Participant in WW2
  • Ex gratia-arkivet:

    Registernummer under krigen: London 18612, NY 29898.

    I Londonkortet oppført med navnet John Engelsen Weiberg.

    18. Juni 1941 - 16. November 1942: I ulike fangeleirer i Fransk-Marokko.

    16. November 1942 - 1. Januar 1943: Beordret til å arbeidet på den amerikanske flyplassen Port Lyautey.

    1. Januar 1943 - 26. Januar 1943: Seilte med britiske M/S ORMOND Fra Oran til Glasgow.

    23. Mars 1943 - 15. November 1943: Telegrafistskole, Atkins Road, London.

    7. February 1944 - 27. March 1944: Telegrafist pool.

    Privat arkiv:

    From chapter 20 of "Jon's Odyssey": "I obtained my legal entry papers in November of 1946 from the American Consulate at Aruba, Dutch West Indies. My Uncle Kris and his wife, aunt Julia, were my sponsors. I thus had obtained legal residence in the U.S. It seemed that my last step had been taken to sever relations with my former homeland. [...] In April of -47 the entire crew (Veiberg included) of the Peter Hurll was discharged at New York, the ship was to change flag. I was able to move in with my Uncle’s family and attend the Institute class just starting. [...] Early in 1955 I obtained a position with IBM and moved to upstate New York, first to Poughkeepsie, then to Kingston. [...] After my baptism into the space program with the launch of the Apollo 5 vehicle it was necessary for us four IBM safety engineers to attend school to become thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the launch system. Secret clearance was necessary. My secret clearance was transferred from Kingston, N.Y. where I worked on the Air Force Sage computer system at, 1955 to 1967. [...] The IBM Club, an in-house club arranging affairs for employees, arranged a charter tour to Frankfurt, Germany, in August of -71. I flew with the tour and continued to Norway for my first visit since 1939."

    Date and place of death: 12. January 2007, Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina, USA.

    Participated in the following historical events 1939-1945:



    Privat arkiv gitt til ARKIVET freds- og menneskerettighetssenter

    Ellis Island, mannskapsliste M/S Høegh Silverlight

    N.N., Jon's Odyssey, u.u., u.s., 1996.